Friday, April 16, 2010

Genetic Engineering&The Truth About What You Eat

*-Holding an agricultural business is difficult because of so many regulations to follow in order to keep people from getting sick, however, the FDA/USDA does not require all farmers to make the best choices for their products

*-Large farming "corporations" neglect the animals, treat them incredibly poor by stacking the animals on top of each other to save space. animals eat, drink, sleep and poop all over each other without ever moving.

*-VEAL(baby cow) is one of the most tender meats on the market-to get the tenderness. baby cows are born and destined to be killed at a young age, conventional farmers take the baby cow and put it into a cage that it could barely fit into. As it grows, it cannot support itself on its own legs because there isn’t enough room in the cage, so the meat stays tender. If the baby cow were allowed to stand or even walk around, the muscles would become tense, creating a tougher meat, so in order to assure the best taste, farmers keep the veal packaged up in a cage its entire life.

*-Your average chicken is a lot smaller than what you see at the grocery store.

*-The way the chicken was treated before it got to the grocery store makes the difference. Conventional farmers treated that chicken with chemicals to plump it up in size and are made affordable because the chicken grows at a faster pace

*-There are many chemicals used in farming to make the farmers job easier as well as more profitable. The most prominent chemical used in livestock farming is rbGH/rbSH(recombinant bovine growth hormone/recombinant bovine somatotropin hormone)1.

*-This is an innovative and genetically engineered hormone that is used to increase milk production in cows by atleast 10%-15%. The chemical was manufactured by Monsanto(a corporate criminal), and is injected in cows every other week.

*-When cows produce more milk than they would normally, pus is produced by its body to accommodate its loss. Monsanto’s own study determined that there is a 19% increase in pus/bacteria in the milk and a 79% increase in Mastitis.

Mastitis is a bacterial inflammation located in the udder of cows. Below is an image of what it looks like:


*-This also leads to a greater amount of IGF-1 hormone

*-The hormone is very controversial because of a study done in 1991 by Rural Vermont which demonstrated the connections in food-human health. The cows treated with rbGH lead to deformation and malnourished cows because of high levels of stress. The cows were more susceptible to illness/disease because of malnourishment, leading to a broader connection to human health because of IGF-1(Insulin Growth Factor-1)

*-IGF-1 is a natural human growth hormone that plays an important role in childhood growth and stimulates muscle growth in adults.

*-We naturally have IGF-1 in our body, but excessive amounts of IGF-1 have been linked to colon and breast cancer.

Image Sources:

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